Chapter 5#

ALE 5.1: Too many guesses#

In this chapter, we learned how to build a guess-the-number game that ran until the player correctly guessed the secret number, but some games limit the number of guesses a player has. For example, the online game Wordle permits you to make only six guesses, and if you haven’t guessed the secret word within those six guesses, the game ends. Wordle’s designer was inspired in part by the game Mastermind, and I own a Mini Mastermind game that also allows no more than six guesses of the hidden pattern of colored pegs.

Step 1. Your task in this exercise is to change into a game that gives the player a maximum of six guesses. If player doesn’t guess the secret number within six turns, the game should print an appropriate message and terminate.

Start your work from our existing script, practicing Steps 5-8 of our problem-solving process.

 1### chap05/
 2import random
 4def main():
 5    print('## Welcome to GUESS THE NUMBER! ##')
 7    secret = random.randint(1, 100)
 8    # print(f'DEBUG: The secret number is {secret}')
10    while True:   # our game loop
12        # Grab a guess from the player
13        while True:
14            try:
15                guess = int(input('Please input your guess: '))
16                break
17            except ValueError:
18                print('Guesses must be an integer. Try again...')
19        # print(f'DEBUG: You guessed {guess}')
21        # Check guess against the secret
22        if guess < secret:
23            print('Too small!')
24        elif guess == secret:
25            print('Exactly! You win!')
26            break
27        else:
28            print('Too big!')
30if __name__ == '__main__':
31    main()

Step 2. When you’ve got a working solution, take some time to compare it with the solution produced by your friends. When you’re looking at each other’s code, think about these questions:

  1. What creative things did you do that they didn’t do? Does their code include creative ideas that you didn’t think about doing?

  2. Did you take different approaches to limiting the number of iterations of the game loop? Of the approaches taken, notice where the comparison that ends the game loop is done. What makes its placement a good idea in each different solution?

  3. In the different solutions, how easy is it to know what to change if you wanted to provide the player with 10 guesses instead of 6? If the limit is buried in the code of the script, how might you make it easier to find and be sure you made all the changes necessary?

ALE 5.2: So many ways to pick#

Our guess-the-number game used the randint function in Python’s random library. This function is quite convenient if we want to pick a random integer in a closed range.

Step 1. Using randint, what statement (or small number of statements) could you write to randomly choose an even integer between 2 and 100? Put your code in the next code block, and run your solution several times to make sure you did it correctly.

1# Randomly choose an even integer in the range [2, 100]
2import random

Step 2. The random library also provides a randrange function that allows you to specify a step value that is the distance between each integer in the range. Use randrange instead of randint to again randomly choose an even integer between 2 and 100.

1# Randomly choose an even integer in the range [2, 100]
2import random

Step 3. Moving away from integers, the random library also includes a function called choice that makes a random selection from a given sequence. Build yourself a sequence object containing 5 jokes from, and then use the choice function to randomly choose one of them. Run your code multiple times.

1# Randomly choose one of five bad dad jokes
2import random

Step 4. Finally, copy your solution to Step 3 into the code block below. Now read about the function random.seed in the random library, and figure out how to use it to print out the same bad dad joke every time the code block is run. Gain certainty about your solution by wrapping it in a loop that iterates 25 times and prints the random choice each time. Your dad would be so proud.

1# Randomly choose the SAME bad dad joke with each choice
2import random


You’ve just learned how you can seed the pseudorandom generator inside Python’s random library to start at the same place in the pseudorandom sequence on each run. Use this you want to test your code using the same pseudorandom sequence.

ALE 5.3: Catching exceptions#

Our guess-the-number game used a try-except-statement to give the user another opportunity to input a guess if what they typed wasn’t “a string in an integer suit,” as defined by Python’s int type conversion function.

Step 1. The following code block repeats that design pattern we used in Go ahead and run it a few times to make sure you understand how it works; feel free to insert other print statements if you want to know what executes and what doesn’t under different inputs.

1while True:
2    try:
3        guess = int(input('Please input your guess: '))
4        break
5    except ValueError:
6        print('Guesses must be an integer. Try again...')
7print('Your input guess:', guess)

Step 2. What input-checking code would you write if we asked the user to input one of the four suits in a deck of playing cards? The following code block will help get you started:

1suits = ['clubs', 'diamonds', 'hearts', 'spades']
5print('Your input suit:', suit)

Step 3. What did you learn in Step 2 about using a try-except-statement?

ALE 5.4: Adding metadata to your messages#

The networked guess-the-number game we’ve developed has the server send the client a message that it simply prints. In more interesting network conversations, one endpoint wants to send some data to the other endpoint and include with these data some information about the data. In computer science, this information about the data is called metadata.

In this exercise, you are going to modify our guess-the-number game so that server sends messages that include metadata (the client messages are unchanged). The server will continue to send text that the client should print for the user, and it will add metadata indicating the color of the text when it is printed. The game will use color to add a visual hint about how good each guess was.

Here are the new rules for our guess-the-number game:

  • If the absolute value of the difference between the user’s guess and the secret is greater than 25, the client should print “Too small!” or “Too big!” in blue text, which will indicate that the user’s guess is very cold.

  • If the absolute value of the difference between the user’s guess and the secret is between 1 and 5 inclusive, the client should print “Too small!” or “Too big!” in red text, which will indicate that the user’s guess is very hot.

  • When the user guesses the secret, the client should print “Exactly! You win!” in green text.

  • In all other situations, the client should print the server’s response in black text.

The messages we send between the server and the client will be split into two pieces: a header containing the metadata; and a body containing the text to be printed. The metadata indicates the color of the text in the message’s body. The escape sequences should NOT be in the message’s body.

Remember that our messages are just text strings, and so a message containing a header and a body is just the concatenation of two text strings. We aren’t doing anything except appending a header to the front of the text string we’re currently sending from the server to the client.

Step 1. To design the server’s messages, you need to answer these questions:

  1. What are all information you’ll put directly (or in an encoded fashion) in the message header?

  2. How will the client know where the message header ends and the message body begins?

There are several ways to answer these questions. Debate a few ideas with your friends, and then settle on the simplest approach. This will inform how you’ll encode the values you enumerated into the previous question.

Step 2. To code this new version of the game, you need to know how to print text in color on a terminal screen. This involves sending some text to print that it interprets as an escape sequence. I demonstrate how this is done in the modified client code below:

 1### chap05/
 2from socket32 import create_new_socket
 4HOST = ''  # The server's hostname or IP address
 5PORT = 65432        # The port used by the server
 7# Color codes for terminal printing
 8default = '\033[0m'
 9black =   '\033[30m'
10red =     '\033[31m'
11green =   '\033[32m'
12blue =    '\033[34m'
14def main():
15    print('## Welcome to ' + blue + 'GUESS '
16         + green + 'THE ' + red + 'NUMBER'
17         + default + '! ##')
19    with create_new_socket() as s:
20        s.connect(HOST, PORT)
22        while True:
23            # Grab a guess from the player
24            while True:
25                try:
26                    guess = int(input('Please input your guess: '))
27                    break
28                except ValueError:
29                    print('Guesses must be an integer. Try again...')
31            s.sendall(str(guess))
32            response = s.recv()
33            print(response)
35            if response == 'Exactly! You win!':
36                break
38if __name__ == '__main__':
39    main()

Notice that I’ve named the different escape sequences with a descriptive name. To turn on the printing of text in red, you simply print the red escape sequence. To turn off printing text in red, you need to insert the escape sequence of a different color or use the return-to-default-color escape sequence, which I’ve named default. I’ve printed the capitalized name of the game in our three different colors as an example.

Step 3. Start by making a copy of the script developed in the chapter. Adapt (above) and so that they play this enhanced guess-the-number game.

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