Chapter 13: Rewrite the Error Message#
The last act began with the recognition that our world is wondrously complex, and we ended it with the realization that this complexity is sometimes disturbingly simple to overcome with the right tool. For example, a divide-and-conquer approach was exactly what we needed in Chapter 12 to tackle Beckett’s Challenge and recursion was the right technique for coding a short solution. Finding the right computational tool for your task is the theme of this final act. With the right tool, solving your problems becomes straightforward.
Well, almost. Even if you pick the right tool, you still need to get it to do what you want. In the previous two acts, you became proficient at problem solving by writing scripts, and that’s half the battle when using computational tools. The other half is knowing what to do when your script fails to direct a tool in the way you’d like. My goal for you in this act is to have you become more skilled at understanding how your script can fail and more proficient at fixing these failures. And the best way I’ve learned to achieve this is to collect the types of mistakes we make in our scripts and then categorize how these mistakes manifest themselves in our computational tools. In a moment, I’ll present such a categorization, and then we’ll explore its implications in this and the next few chapters.
Beyond our own human propensity for errors, we also need to understand the limitations of our tools. Just like you, computational tools are good at some things and not so good at others. You can often force a computational tool to do an unnatural task (e.g., use a for- or while-loop to solve a problem that’s more elegantly solved with recursion), but the work required and the errors that arise are often daunting. Sometimes it is not even possible to force a tool to do what you want, as we’ll see in the next chapter.
The key to picking the right tool surfaces the last of our fundamental ideas in computer science: pattern matching. When we can identify the patterns in our problems and match them with the patterns our tools exploit, hard problems become magically easy to solve. We’ll start in this chapter looking at a tool to recognize and exploit the patterns in strings, and we’ll play with some of the most powerful of these tools for other types of real-world data in the act’s last two chapters.
I wish that the challenges ended here, but they don’t. Even when a tool works, we must consider the social implications of a computational solution. Here we ask, will our use of a tool unfairly harm some individuals or the fabric of society? Computational solutions that don’t consider this critical question are all too common in our modern world, and we’ll dive into these social issues in the act’s last two chapters.
The mistakes we make in problem solving. It’s been quite some time since we looked at the list of steps in our problem-solving process. Let’s return to that list but reframe the last three steps to reflect the knowledge we’ve gained over the past two acts.
Recall that the process begins with us precisely specifying our problem (step 1) and imagining a few specific instances of it (step 2). We next decompose it into its different tasks (step 3), decide which tasks are computational in nature (step 4), and identify existing algorithms, libraries, and our own previously written code that might help (step 5). This brings us to the last three steps, which we previously described as sketch, translate, and execute. We now know that these steps require us to:
Determine a reasonable abstraction level at which to solve each task;
Build a digital representation of each task and its associated data structures;
Design or identify algorithms that work over these representations and data structures, which together allow us to solve the individual tasks and ultimately the overall problem;
Code these algorithms and data structures in a programming language like Python, taking advantage of its built-in functionality and the rich set of public libraries and modules from its user community.
We also learned that we need to revisit earlier steps when our scripts fail, but we never tried to categorize these failures. Let’s do that now. Our goal will be to gain an understanding that allows us to proficiently handle each category and possibly even avoid a category of errors all together.
There are basically four types of errors we make, which are classified based on the ways that a script fails to execute or fails to execute according to a specification:
We sometimes write statements that aren’t legal Python. These are syntax errors that stop the interpreter dead in its tracks. “What did you say?” it will ask. “I don’t understand you.”
We sometimes write statements that are legal Python, but what these statements ask the interpreter to do with the data we give it isn’t something it can do (e.g., convert the word
into an integer). These are runtime errors that stop the interpreter, again, dead in its tracks. “I can’t do that,” it’ll say, occasionally in really-hard-to-understand error messages.We sometimes write statements that are legal Python and something the interpreter can do, but the result it produces makes no sense. These are design errors (i.e., solving your problem incorrectly) and subtle coding errors (e.g., writing a script with an infinite loop or multiplying a value by the wrong constant) that are quite hard to diagnose and correct. We’ll have to find ways to verify which parts of the script (including its data structures) are operating correctly and which incorrectly.
We sometimes write a script that produces a sensible answer, but it takes too long to run to completion (e.g., our script uses a brute-force approach on a problem with a very large input) or in some other way misses an important problem constraint (e.g., our script uses too much memory). These are missed constraints. They often require us to be smarter in our problem-solving approach, typically in the selection of an algorithm, as we discussed in the last act.
Our problem-to-be-solved. To become more adept at fixing the syntax and runtime errors in your scripts, you need to understand and quickly process the Python interpreter’s error messages. Let’s assume we understand the information in the interpreter’s error messages so that our focus is on quickly processing these messages. Now let me ask, “Have you found it easy to read these messages?” Here’s a typical one, which I get when I run the Python interpreter on a script with a straightforward runtime error. In reading the script’s output, the first two lines are lists that I asked the script to print; the error message starts with the “Traceback” line.
### Run the highlighted command in the shell
chap13$ python3
['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
['his', 'is', 'another', 'test']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 23, in <module>
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 20, in main
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 5, in f_undef_name
NameError: name 'undef_name' is not defined. Did you mean: 'f_undef_name'?
You Try It
The script
is in the chap13
files in this book’s GitHub repository. We’ll talk in a moment how you interpret "/home/runner/chap13/"
; you might see a different substring before
. Make sure that you run the highlighted command for yourself. There are a lot of shell commands to try throughout this chapter.
A NameError
is a mistake we learned about in Chapter 1. It occurs when we ask the interpreter to grab a value from a name that wasn’t previously defined. In this error message, the interpreter tries to help us correct our mistake by suggesting a defined name that is close to what we typed. We’ll need to look at the line in
to see if its suggestion is the fix we need. Quick, what line contains the error?
You Try It
To answer the question of what line in
contains the error, look at the error message above the previous “You Try It” block.[1]
I’ve been coding in Python for quite some time, and I still forget if it is the first or the last of the traceback items. Imagine if we could run the Python interpreter and have it format its error messages in a manner we find easy to read. Perhaps something like this:
### A better formatted error message
chap13$ ./python32
['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
['his', 'is', 'another', 'test']
**Hit an ERROR** in on line 5
inside function f_undef_name:
4: def f_undef_name():
5: print(undef_name)
NameError: name 'undef_name' is not defined. Did you mean: 'f_undef_name'?
**Call stack at ERROR**
Function f_undef_name was called from
↜ main in on line 20, which was called from
↜ <module> in on line 23
This output contains all the same information as the original error message, but I’ve rearranged it so that it first presents where the error occurred. The call stack[2] comes last because I want to know the error first before I try to understand the context that brought me to this execution point. This output also shortens the filenames, and as a final flourish, it uses color to highlight the important information. This may not be exactly what you’d prefer, but I hope you see that a reorganization of the information could be extremely helpful.
Changing the Python interpreter’s error message in this way will be our problem-to-be-solved, and we can enumerate the tasks involved:
Send the script to run along with all its input parameters to the Python interpreter.
Capture the interpreter’s error output, if any, before it is displayed.
Recognize the patterns in this output and rewrite the error message.
Output this rewritten message as if the interpreter had written it.
Notice that we want only to insert ourselves where we want different work to occur.[3] We don’t want to figure out how to do all the work that the Python interpreter does to run the script and identify its errors. And as much as possible, we’d like to make it match what we do when running the Python interpreter. Did you notice that the command I ran in the last code block wasn’t the Python interpreter? If you didn’t, that’s good. You’ll learn exactly how the command I used works and how to build it by the end of this chapter.
Learning Outcomes
Learn how pattern matching can be the right tool for your problem. Working with regular expressions, a language to match patterns in strings, you’ll write a script to capture the essence of the Python interpreter’s error messages and rewrite them. To have it look like the interpreter outputs your rewritten message, you’ll learn about the shell, common shell commands, and ways to write a Python script that automates your interactions with the shell. After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Understand the categories of mistakes we make in problem solving: syntax errors, runtime errors, design errors, and missed constraints [design and CS concepts];
Describe the difference between a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line interface (CLI) [CS concepts];
Discuss Unix-like filesystem paths, their components, and how they help you move around in the filesystem [CS concepts];
Understand how the shell finds the programs corresponding to the commands you type and how you can turn your scripts into commands that the shell will run [CS concepts and programming skills];
Use redirection and pipes to change where a program gets its inputs and sends its outputs, including it error outputs [CS concepts and programming skills];
Use some simple wildcard expressions in your shell commands [programming skills];
Employ some of the most commonly useful shell commands [programming skills];
Describe the difference between data and executable files, and how the shell tells the difference [CS concepts];
Work with regular expressions and Python’s
library [CS concepts and programming skills];Write a script that launches programs as subprocesses and defines the communication channels between them [CS concepts and programming skills].
From the GUI to the shell. As is typical, we’ll solve our problem in parts. We’ll begin with our first task, and to understand how to solve it, we’ll need to learn more about the shell and how you can command it to do things. We’ve mostly used the shell to run the Python interpreter on our scripts, and infrequently we issued it some commands to organize our files and directories (i.e., folders). But the shell is much more powerful. It can do all sorts of things for us.
When you want to do something on your computer, like move a file from one folder to another, you probably did it using the computer’s graphical user interface (GUI). You’d click on a file and drag it from one folder to another. Like the GUI, the shell also allows you to perform such operations, but you direct it with text commands, not mouse clicks.[4]
As another example, if I wanted to see a list of the files and directories in a folder called chap13
, I can use either of these interfaces:
GUI: Put the cursor over the folder and double click it.
shell: Type
ls chap13
at the shell prompt.
The ls
stands for “list directory contents” and it is a program that someone wrote. You can learn what it does by typing man ls
at the shell prompt or in a browser search bar. man
stands for “format and display the on-line manual pages.”[5]
You Try It
Don’t just read about these programs and shell commands. Bring up a terminal window on your machine and try the commands for yourself.
Understanding paths. In the GUI, you can only double-click a folder if the folder in which it sits is open. To navigate to the folder containing the folder chap13
in the shell, we use the cd
command. cd
stands for “change the shell working directory” or “change directory” for short.
You can see the name (technically path) for your working directory by typing pwd
, which stands for “return working directory name” or “print working directory” in colloquial terms. Your working directory in a GUI is the one that you have open and active.
When I ran python3
in the earlier code block, I was in the working directory /home/runner/chap13
in a terminal window on, and this string is what computer scientists call an absolute path.[6] Such paths start at the root of the file system, which is represented by a single slash (/
) with nothing before it. In Replit’s filesystem, home
is the name of a folder in the root directory, and runner
is a folder inside home
. Finally, chap13
is a folder inside runner
Because there are absolute paths, we must also be able to specify relative paths. Using a relative path tells the shell that we want the path interpreted from our working directory, not the filesystem root. For example, if our working directory is /home/runner
and within the folder chap13
is the folder data
, then we could type ls chap13/data
to list the contents of the data
folder. The string chap13/data
is an example of a relative path that specifies where I want ls
to do its work.
So far, I’ve talked about how to go deeper into folders with a relative path, but we may also want to navigate to the parent or grandparent folders of our working directory. We could, of course, specify a folder’s parent directory (i.e., the folder containing our working directory) by typing out its absolute path from the root, but that might be a lot to type. So we have a way to say that in a relative fashion: two period characters together (..
) in a path means that we want the parent of the current working directory. The following are a few example commands that use this way of specifying a parent directory:
To list the contents of the parent of the working directory, type:
ls ..
To change your working directory to the parent of the working directory, type:
cd ..
To change to the grandparent, type:
cd ../..
A single period (.
) in a relative path is another shorthand; it’s another name for the working directory. It allows us to emphasize that we’d like the shell to interpret the path we give it from the working directory. If our working directory is /home/runner
, the following are two equivalent ways of specifying a relative path to data
You might be wondering when using this shorthand is useful because the example shows that I must type more to do the same thing. I’m glad you asked!
From paths to programs. When we want to run a program in a GUI, we double-click its icon. When we want to run a program in the shell, we type its name at the shell prompt followed by its input parameters, as we did earlier to invoke the Python interpreter on a particular script: python3
. But what did it mean when I typed this at the shell prompt: ./python32
We just learned that a path that starts with ./
means we want the shell to look in the working directory for the name that follows. So ./python32
tells the shell that our command is called python32
and it’s located in the working directory.[7] Ok, but typing just python32
would have been fine too, right?
Wrong. Commands are executable files. They command our computer to do things, and we need to be careful how we command our computers. For example, we don’t want to mistakenly command it to delete all our files. Even if python32
is in my working directory, typing python32
at the shell prompt won’t start its execution. If you try, the shell should reply with “command not found.”
But wait, you say. The command ls
wasn’t in our working directory when we asked the shell to run it. Where does the shell look to find commands?
The answer is shell variables. As I hinted earlier, our shell is programmable. It has the concept of: (1) variables that can take on different values; and (2) built-in commands, like Python’s built-in functions, that just work.[8] Here is one of those built-in commands:
echo $PATH
This built-in command displays the value of the specified shell variable, and if you run this command, you’ll see that the $PATH
shell variable contains an ordered, colon-separated list of directories.[9] This list is where the shell will search looking for (non-built-in) commands. The executable file ls
is in one of these directories and python32
is not. That’s why typing ls
at the shell prompt worked and typing python32
On the other hand, I might want to run a program that isn’t in the $PATH
list. I can run such programs by specifying it using its absolute path or an explicitly relative one. When I do this, the shell will look for that command only at that path. This is why ./python32
works despite the fact that this executable file is not in the $PATH
When you type echo $PATH
at your shell prompt and hit return, you’ll notice that the current working directory is not in $PATH
. This is a security best practice. You should never add .
to the list of directories in this shell variable. Only trusted directories should be in it.
So ./python32
is how we tell the shell that we want to run the program python32
that we built and saved in our working directory. Later in this chapter we’ll see that python32
is a Python script that begins by invoking the Python interpreter on this script’s input parameters. But before we look at that code in detail, let’s learn how to accomplish Tasks 2 and 3.
I’ve written as if all operating system shells use the same commands and syntax, but they don’t. What I’ve shown you is true for most Unix-based systems, which is what you get on Replit and in Google Colab. But even on a Unix-based system, there are many different shells that act similarly but not identically. Typically, you can learn which shell you’re using by typing echo $SHELL
and then ask man
about it (e.g., if echo $SHELL
returned /bin/zsh
, you type man zsh
, which is the command you can find in the directory /bin
). While I’ll describe only a small handful of the programs and shell commands you’ll find useful in problem solving, you can continue building your shell skills by using man
to learn about cp
, mv
, rm
, mkdir
, rmdir
, cat
, more
, less
, and which
. These are some additional, extremely useful shell commands.
Redirecting inputs and outputs. One of the cool things we can do with a shell is rewire a program’s inputs and outputs from the terminal (i.e., the default) to a file or even another program, which is exactly what we want to do in our second task. To illustrate, let’s play with the echo
command, which will print whatever are its input parameters to the terminal.[10]
chap13$ echo hi there
hi there
To change this default output location, we specify output redirection, which in the shell involves the greater-than character (>
chap13$ echo hi there > data/out.txt
chap13$ cat data/out.txt
hi there
We just told echo
to send its output to a file called out.txt
in the subdirectory called data
. If your shell gave you an error, make sure that data
folder exists in your working directory.[11] The program cat
, which I mentioned earlier as one of several useful programs you should learn, prints the contents of the file that’s named as its input parameter. It helps us to verify that the output redirection did what I said it would.
You Try It
Type cat
at the shell prompt and hit return. Now type something and hit return. When cat
isn’t given an input file, it defaults to reading what you type in the terminal window and then prints that. When you’re done playing, type Ctrl-D (i.e., hold the control key and then push the d
key) to terminate the execution of cat
You’ve now seen that cat
can grab data from: (1) a file (in the same way our scripts open files to read their contents); or (2) from what we type at the terminal. But we can also mix these two things so that cat
reads the contents of a file as if we were typing its contents at the terminal. To do this, we use the input redirection character (<
chap13$ cat < data/out.txt
hi there
Which output? With this knowledge, let’s try to capture the output of the Python interpreter when run on our broken script, which itself takes no input.
You Try It
Run python3 > data/out.txt
. What was printed to the terminal and what did you find in the file out.txt
You just learned that the Python interpreter does not print its execution output and its error messages using same mechanism. If we want to capture a program’s error output, we must use a different redirect symbol: 2>
where the 2
stands for file descriptor 2. On a Unix-like system,
file descriptor 0 is called stdin and, by default, it is wired to the terminal;
file descriptor 1 is called stdout and, by default, it is wired to the terminal;
file descriptor 2 is called stderr and, by default, it is wired to the terminal; and
file descriptors numbered greater than 2 are allocated to the files you open using a command like Python’s built-in
You can learn a lot more about such things by reading the documentation for your favorite shell program or taking a class in systems programming. All we care about is that we now know how to capture the error message we want to rewrite:
chap13$ python3 > data/out.txt 2> data/out2.txt
chap13$ cat data/out.txt
['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
['his', 'is', 'another', 'test']
chap13$ cat data/out2.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 23, in <module>
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 20, in main
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 5, in f_undef_name
NameError: name 'undef_name' is not defined. Did you mean: 'f_undef_name'?
Pattern matching. With the second task understood, we turn to the third, which asks that we translate the error message that the Python interpreter produced into the one we want our user to see. To do this, we must: (1) recognize the patterns the interpreter uses in its error message; (2) grab the important data in these patterns that we want to use in our rewritten error message; and then (3) produce our error message with these data.
Recognizing and exploiting patterns is a huge piece of computational thinking. We’ve seen the power of patterns when we turned a divide-and-conquer problem into a recursive procedure. Here are a few other examples of applications that use pattern matching:
If your job requires you to use computers to process data, you’ll use a wide variety of tools built by computer scientists to find and exploit the patterns in your data (e.g., in physical, biological, or financial data).
If you want your application to converse with a human, you’ll use natural-language tools that exploit the patterns found in human languages.
If you want to scrape data from a bunch of websites around the internet, you’ll program your scraper to look for patterns on the websites it visits to identify the data it should capture.
Even the syntax highlighter in your IDE uses pattern-matching tools to know which text to highlight in what color.
Wildcards in the shell. We learned to use ls
to list all the files and directories in our working directory, but what if we wanted to list just those files or directories with names matching a particular pattern? For example, what if we wanted to list all the Python scripts in our working directory?
This is an example of pattern matching, and to express our desire to the ls
command, we need a syntax (or ideally a language) to describe the patterns we want. In most shells, wildcard characters allow you to perform a simple kind of pattern matching. These wildcards aren’t literal values we want the shell to use, but like the joker in a deck of playing cards, characters that can take on any value. Let’s see how to solve the challenge I just posed using shell wildcards.
We know that Python scripts end with the extension .py
, and therefore we want to tell ls
that we want it to list only the filenames that end in .py
. Or stated another way, we don’t care what comes before the .py
. We can achieve this by typing ls *.py
at the shell prompt.
In the shell, the star or asterisk character (*
) is a wildcard character, and where you put it, it will match zero or more characters. So the pattern *.py
says to the shell that you want all the filenames that end in .py
You Try It
Describe the kinds of filenames that ls *e*.py
will list.[13]
You can also ask the shell to match any single character using the ?
wildcard character.
You Try It
Can you describe what this weird-looking command ls *.??
asks of the shell?[14]
Finally, you can use square brackets to create your own special, single-character wildcard. For instance, the command ls out[0-9].txt
would match any file that starts with out
, ends with .txt
, and has a single digit between the t
in out
and the .
of the file extension.
Regular expressions. Regular expressions (REs) allow us to express a larger set of patterns for matching text than we can with shell wildcards. They are well studied in theoretical computer science, and they describe the set of regular languages found in that field’s classification of formal languages. They also bring us back to the concept of finite-state machines (FSMs) in that regular expressions can be algorithmically translated into a FSM, which can then be straightforwardly translated into code. If you are a power user of search engines or word processors, you have already been exploiting the power of REs.
To solve our third task, we’re going to use Python’s re
library, which allows us to use REs to match and capture sequences of characters in strings.[15]
Finding simple words. Let’s start learning how to use the re
library with another challenge: Define a RE that finds all the words in a string that contain nothing but the letters a
to z
To solve this challenge, you need to know that the re
library asks you to specify your REs as Python strings. This means that you can match the word word
and only that word with the RE 'word'
. In other words, most characters match themselves. Or in detail, this RE says that a matching string must start with the letter w
, be followed by the letter o
and then r
and finally d
But what if we wanted to match the words word
or cord
or ford
? As we saw with shell wildcards, REs allow you to use square brackets to designate a range of letters that match a single letter in the input string. Our RE would become '[cfw]ord'
You can also use a dash in the square brackets to express a range of letters, as in:
matches any single letter in the rangea
matches any upper- or lower-case letter.
To match a sequence of characters, REs use the *
and +
characters. We just met the *
in shell wildcards, but we will change its meaning slightly when we use it in a RE. In REs, the *
and +
characters are metacharacters in that they don’t match their literal character equivalents nor are they wildcards. Instead, they specify how many times the previous character must be matched.
means zero or more times.+
means one or more times.
So, to match a word containing the letters a-z
, you’d write the RE pattern '[a-z]+'
. This pattern ends its matching when the next character is something other than a-z
, e.g., a space.
You Try It
Take a moment and run the script
, which you can find in this chapter’s GitHub repository. When you start running it (i.e., type python3
at the shell prompt), it asks you for a RE, which you type without any surrounding quotes. Try it with the REs we’ve discussed: word
; [cfw]ord
; [a-z]
; [a-zA-Z]
; and [a-z]+
. Once you’ve specified a RE,
repeatedly prompts you for a string, and given one, the script tells you whether that string is in the language of the RE (i.e., whether that string satisfies the pattern specified by the RE). For example, ford
satisfies the pattern [cfw]ord
but lord
doesn’t. m
satisfies the pattern [a-z]
but me
doesn’t. word
satisfies the pattern [a-z]+
but this word
doesn’t. Do you see why this word
doesn’t?[16] Try your own REs and strings. When you want to stop playing with the RE you specified, type quit
at the String:
prompt. Rerun the script to try another RE.
Matching metacharacters. You might be wondering what you’d do if you wanted to match a literal *
or +
(or any other RE metacharacter). The answer is that you escape the character with a leading backslash. For instance, to match 2+3
, you’d like to write the RE '2\+3'
You Try It
Feed the RE 2\+3
and verify that it matches the string 2+3
. What strings does the RE 2+3
Interacting with the script
makes it look straightforward to write a RE and use it in a Python script: You simply need to escape any RE metacharacter with a backslash.
You Try It
The backslash character is a RE metacharacter, and so feed the RE \\
and verify that it matches the string \
and no other strings. Then try feeding \
as an RE to
and notice that the script fails with an error message. It says that a single backslash character is effectively an incomplete sentence; it needs at least one more character to be a valid RE.
Let’s now take this knowledge into Python itself. Start the interactive Python interpreter as I’ve done below, and run the three statements. The first loads the RE library. The second creates our pattern as a string literal named p
. It correctly escapes the backslash. The third statement tries to compile the pattern named p
(i.e., it tries to turn this pattern into code that we can use to check strings).
chap13$ python3
Python 3.9.6 (default, Nov 10 2023, 13:38:27)
[Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> p = '\\'
>>> re.compile(p)
When you run these three statements, you’ll find that an re.error
occurs. In fact, it is the same error we experienced when we fed a single backslash to
. Why?
The answer requires you to understand that there are two languages at work in this second example (i.e., the language of REs and the Python programming language). And both these languages treat the backslash character in a special manner. When we write p = '\\'
the Python interpreter creates a string in your computer’s memory with a single backslash, and we know that a single backslash is interpreted by the RE engine as an incomplete sentence.
So how do we fix this? We need to pass a string containing two backslashes to the re.compile
function, and in Python, this string is written as '\\\\'
, which escapes each of the two backslashes the RE engine wants to see.[18] Yuk. This is what’s called “The Backslash Plague”.[19]
To avoid this plague, I’ll specify RE pattern strings in Python’s raw string notation, which treats any backslash we type as a backslash and not an escape character. With this notation, the unwieldy string literal '\\\\'
becomes r'\\'
. As another example, the RE pattern matching a single asterisk character *
, when written as a Python string literal, goes from '\\*'
to r'\*'
Using REs. Now that we know how to specify a RE using the re
library, how do we use it to find instances of a pattern in an input string? Well, there are two ways to do it:
If you plan to use your pattern in multiple statements, you’ll want to compile your RE into a pattern object. You’d then use the methods of this pattern object to find instances of the pattern in strings without having to continually restate the RE.
You can also use a function from the
library to which you provide a RE and a string as parameters. This shortcut works well when you don’t need to restate the RE in a later call to there
In case those words don’t make sense, the following applies these two approaches to our word-matching challenge. Both use the RE '[a-z]+'
on the string s1
, and both return this list of matches: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
You Try It
Run the following code blocks in the interactive Python interpreter. Feel free to experiment with different REs and strings.
1### Setup for the following examples
2import re
4s1 = 'this is a test'
5s2 = 'This is another test.'
1# Build and use a pattern object
2p = re.compile(r'[a-z]+')
1# Just use an RE function
2re.findall(r'[a-z]+', s1)
Besides findall
, our scripts will use the match
, fullmatch
, and search
functionality of the re
library, which all return a re.Match
object if there’s a match and None
otherwise. On a successful match, the re.Match
object contains the matching characters and the index where in the input string you can find these characters. match
succeeds if the pattern appears at the start of the input string; fullmatch
succeeds if the entire input string matches the pattern; and search
succeeds if the pattern appears anywhere in the input string.
Here are some examples using the test strings s1
and s2
. Think about what they’ll do and then run them to check your thinking. This functionality isn’t easy to pick up, and so don’t get discouraged if you find it confusing. I certainly do.
1# Match succeeds and a re.Match object is returned
1# Match fails because of the starting capital letter
2p.match(s2) == None
1# Fullmatch fails on a string with multiple words
2p.fullmatch(s1) == None
1# Search succeeds and a re.Match object is returned
1# Another more interesting search example'is', s1)
1# What's the result returned from this statement?
We can capture capital letters either by changing our RE or by changing the default of the optional argument flags
[21] to re.compile
and the library’s other functions:
1# Change the RE
2p2 = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+')
1# Leave the RE alone and change the `flags` parameter
2p3 = re.compile(r'[a-z]+', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
Finding filenames. Okay! With the basics of the re
library understood, we’re ready to use patterns to change the Python interpreter’s error message into one that we’d prefer to read. Let’s again take this a step at time and first use REs to grab the filenames mentioned in the interpreter’s error output.
Notice that the Python interpreter’s error message contains absolute paths:
File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 23, in <module>
Because all the scripts we write appear in our working directory, the working directory’s path is unnecessary and distracting information. We might as well delete it, shortening any absolute paths involving the working directory into nothing more than the filename. In other words, if /home/runner/chap13
is our working directory, we’ll grab
from /home/runner/chap13/
and discard the rest.
Let’s write a function called get_fname
that does this. It will contain something like the RE we just used to capture words containing both capital and small letters, i.e., r'[a-zA-Z]+'
. But because our filenames often also include digits and the underscore (_
) character, we’ll use a new metacharacter \w
, which is a shorthand for [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Our RE is now r'\w+'
, which can match filenames without any file extension. The filenames in the interpreter’s error message are all Python scripts, and we want to include in the match the extension .py
. The only tricky bit here is that the period character is a metacharacter equivalent to the shell wildcard ?
; it matches any single character except a newline. Since we want to match an actual period, we’ll escape it.
Our RE has become r'\w+\.py'
. So far so good, but what if a directory name in the absolute path matches this pattern? We don’t want that.[22] We want only the last component of a file’s absolute path, which is its filename. We can specify this in our RE by using yet another metacharacter: the dollar sign ($
). This metacharacter introduces us to a new idea and that’s the matching of a point in a string. A dollar sign in a RE means that we want to match the end of a string or the point just before the next newline character, which is where we’ll find the filename.
The RE r'\w+\.py$'
will successfully match the kinds of filenames we use[23] and pluck them from the end of the input strings. Let’s use the
function from the re
library so that we can get some practice with it and learn about a useful method on re.Match
objects. Here’s the code for our get_fname
10### chap13/
11def get_fname(fullpath):
12 '''Strip full pathname down to just the filename'''
13 fname ='(\w+\.py)$', fullpath).group(0)
14 return fname
1### Test get_fname
2path = '/home/runner/chap13/'
There are two things you should note in this code. I added a pair of parentheses around the part of the RE that matched the filename. Parentheses are RE metacharacters that create something called groups, and the value of a group is whatever the RE in the parentheses matches, if anything. Here, I capture the entire set of matching characters, but I could have captured just a part of the match in the parentheses. We’ll use that functionality in a moment.
To access the match inside a set of parentheses, you use the group
method on the returned re.Match
object. The index for the first set of parentheses is 1
, the second 2
, and so forth. The index 0
is special; it returns the entire match, which is all we need in this example.
Don’t worry if line 13 looks like a bunch of gibberish to you right now. It will get easier to read with practice. And then time will pass and you’ll forget the details, but again, that’s ok. You will remember them with a refreshing read of the documentation.
Python RE extensions. We have all the pieces we need to complete Task 3: We can recognize patterns in the Python interpreter’s error message, grab the data we want, and use these data to compose our own, more readable error message. The script
, which you can find in the book’s GitHub repository, contains a function named rewrite_emsg
that takes the Python interpreter’s error message as its input parameter and prints on sys.stderr
our own rewritten error message.[24]
Behind the interface of rewrite_emsg
is a lot of interesting work. Because I wanted information that currently exists at the end of the Python interpreter’s error message at the start of my error message, this function splits the processing of the input error message e
into two pieces: (1) grab and process the “Traceback” lines, which is done in process_traceback
; and (2) take some of what was learned from process_traceback
and process and print the error followed by my rewritten traceback, which is done in print_error
and aided by print_stack
Understanding the code in
is useful if you want to modify my error message, but even if you don’t, there is one aspect of how process_traceback
works that’s worth highlighting. It deals with parentheses in REs, which I mentioned earlier but didn’t show you why they were useful. I’ll do that now.
The following code block extracts the RE defined on line 32 of
and uses it in a re.match
call similar to those that take place in process_traceback
1import re
3# Define the pattern for a traceback line
4p = r' File "(?P<fname>.*)", line (?P<lnno>\d+), in (?P<fun>[\w<>]+)'
6# Define an example traceback line
7line = ' File "/home/runner/chap13/", line 7, in f_undef_name'
9# Apply the pattern to the line
10m = re.match(p, line)
12# Print what the pattern captured in the parentheses
13print('fname = ','fname'))
14print('line number = ','lnno'))
15print('function = ','fun'))
The three separate parentheses in the RE on line 4 extract three separate values from a match. The format of the content of each parenthesis pair is quite cryptic at first glance. To read a grouping like (?P<lnno>\d+)
, you should understand that:
is the pattern we want to match. It uses another escape shorthand\d
that matches one or more digits0-9
.(?P<lnno> ...)
acts like normal parentheses in that it creates a group, but the leading(?P
creates it as a named group. In particular,(?
means that we’re invoking an extension, and theP
means it’s a Python extension. Thelnno
in the angle brackets is the name we want associated with this group.
By naming the different parts extracted, you can see that I want the filename (fname
), the line number (lnno
), and function name (fun
) from the match. Lines 13-15 illustrate how to use these named values. The alternative is to use the index of where each match was expressed in the original RE, which you can imagine makes code using the RE library even harder to read and understand.
Putting it all together. If we design
to expect the name of a file in which we put the Python interpreter’s error message, we could type the following on the shell’s command line to capture and replace the interpreter’s message with ours:
python3 2> out2.txt; python3 out2.txt; rm -f out2.txt
By placing a semicolon at the end of each command, the shell knows that it should: launch the command it read up to the semicolon; let this command finish; and then launch the next command. You can think of the semicolon as a way to build a task list for the shell. The task list we wrote above says:
Run the Python interpreter on
, grab itsstderr
output, and put that output inout2.txt
. Anything written
is displayed on the terminal.When the work in (1) is done, run the Python interpreter on
, which expects a file containing an error message as its only input parameter. We give itout2.txt
from the execution
. It rewrites the captured error message and prints the result tostderr
, which is wired to the terminal in this command.When the work in (2) is done,
removes the fileout2.txt
. The-f
flag says to do it silently. If you’ve setrm
to request confirmation before deleting anything, it won’t under this flag, and ifrm
encounters an error (e.g., the fileout2.txt
doesn’t exist because the script fed to the Python interpreter in (1) didn’t contain an error), it won’t print a diagnostic message.
You Try It
Try this shell command line and its sequence of tasks. Try your own command line that includes semicolons.
Shell pipes. While this command line with its sequence of tasks solves our problem, it is a lot to type. But we don’t have to type all this. We can have the shell and the Python interpreter do more of this work for us! For example, we can get rid of the file out2.txt
(and thus the need for the rm
command above) by sending the Python interpreter’s error output directly to
. The shell doesn’t only support redirection of a program’s output to a file, but it also allows us to “wire” the output of one program directly to the input of another. You accomplish this with the shell’s pipe operator (|
As a simple example of piping, imagine that I wanted to see the Python scripts in my working directory sorted by size, and I wanted the smallest scripts listed first. The ls
command has an option -l
that prints a lot of information for each item it lists, and most Unix-like systems come with a sort
program. The sort
program on my system has an option -k
that allows me to indicate which column sort
should use for ordering the input lines.[25] Terrific! I just need to wire the output of ls
into the input of sort
, and my job is done.
chap13$ ls -l *.py | sort -k 5
-rw-r--r--@ 1 profsmith staff 431 Sep 25 14:53
-rw-r--r--@ 1 profsmith staff 587 Sep 26 10:16
-rw-r--r--@ 1 profsmith staff 901 Sep 26 12:46
-rw-r--r--@ 1 profsmith staff 4775 Sep 26 13:10
Unfortunately, it’s possible but not as straightforward to wire the stderr
of one program into the stdin
of another, which is what we want to do. The following is the syntax to do it.[26] It’s shorter than our previous solution, but it is still not the elegant solution we want.
python3 2> >(python3
Scripting what the shell did. To get the elegance we want, we’ll put the work we’ve been doing on the shell command line in a Python script. Why stop with a script that rewrites the Python interpreter’s error message when we can write a script that launches the interpreter on the script we want to run, captures the interpreter’s error output, and feeds that output to
Let’s call this new script
, and it will take as input the script we want the Python interpreter to run.
Figure 36 illustrates how we want
to operate. The first thing it will do is launch another process that runs the Python interpreter on its input parameter. The sys.stdout
of this launched process will be left untouched (i.e., it will default to the terminal). However, the launched process’s sys.stderr
will be configured to be a pipe back to
. These three things are possible using Python’s subprocess
library. We’ll then have
grab the bytes transferred through the pipe, convert them into a string, and send this string to rewrite_emsg
, which
will import from
. As we already know, rewrite_emsg
prints its rewritten error message to sys.stderr
, but this is
’s sys.stderr
, which is wired by default to the terminal. Tada!

Fig. 36 A sketch of how we want our
script to operate when it is fed to the python3
interpreter and given
as its command line input.#
Concurrency. Did you notice that there are two instances of the Python interpreter running in Figure 36? There’s the one that runs
and the one that this script launches to run
(or whatever is the input parameter to
). This might remind you of the way we ran the client and server scripts in Chapter 5. Both involve the use of multiple processes, but in this case, we’re running two instances of the same program (i.e., the Python interpreter) on different inputs (i.e., the scripts we want interpreted).
The emphasis in our networking discussion was in the communication between two processes. In this chapter’s problem, we’re still interested in two processes communicating, but we’re using a different mechanism (i.e., pipes rather than the network). Both examples illustrate the concept of concurrency and some of its fascinating aspects.
We’ve spent a lot of time in this chapter talking about the shell, and there’s a concurrency tie in. When you ask the shell to run a program by typing a command at the shell prompt, it does something very much like we just did in launching a subprocess in
. Not only do you now know more shell commands, but you also understand a bit about how it works!
Making python32 look like python3. The astute reader will point out that invoking the Python interpreter on
is not the command I showed at the start of this chapter. It was ./python32
. So I owe you one more explanation of shell functionality: how to turn python3
into ./python32
You can do this with any Python script you write that runs on a Unix-like system. It involves three small steps:
Tell the filesystem that your Python script is an executable.
Create a symbolic link to your Python script to lose the
extension.Add a line to the start of your script that tells the shell how to execute your file, since it can no longer use the extension as a hint about the file’s contents.
Step 1 modifies the metadata that the filesystem keeps about each file. We saw some of this metadata when we did ls -l
earlier. The first 10 characters of a long listing are what are called file mode bits, and 9 of them indicate whether the file is readable (r), writable (w), or executable (x). By default, data files are readable and writable by their owner[27] but aren’t executable.
To make a file executable, you must change its mode. The shell command we use to do this is chmod
, which stands for “change file mode bits.” The following transcript shows how to use this command, and it illustrates the file mode bits before and after.[28]
chap13$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 profsmith staff 587 Nov 3 19:10
chap13$ chmod +x
chap13$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 profsmith staff 587 Nov 3 19:10
Step 2 initially seems straightforward: We make a copy of our script (e.g., cp python32
) or rename it (mv python32
). Unfortunately, both are suboptimal solutions. The former creates two copies of the same file, and the latter means we won’t get syntax highlighting in the IDE (because it can’t read the .py
extension and know it’s a Python file).
There is a better solution: Create an alias, which in Unix terminology is a symbolic link, using the -s
option on the ln
ln -s python32
Now we can edit
in our IDE with full color syntax highlighting while running scripts with python32
. We have two names for the same file.
Step 3 requires us to tell the shell how to run our script in a manner that doesn’t have us invoke the Python interpreter on the shell’s command line. Note that all we did by setting the executable file permission bit was tell the shell that it’s ok to run this file as a command; the shell also needs to know what it should do to execute the file. By convention, the shell expects this information at the start of an executable file.[29] This means that we need to put some directions for the shell at the start of python32
. The format of these directions on Unix-like systems is as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This line starts with a “shebang” sequence[30] (i.e., #!
), and the rest of it is the way the shell invokes the interpreter program. With this information, the shell turns ./python32
back into python3
. We now have a way to type one command (./python32
) and the shell will launch the Python intepreter on a script (
) that does all the work we had to previously write out on the shell’s command line. We’ve shimmed the Python interpreter and made it look like it’s producing our rewritten error message!
We began this chapter saying that the right tool will make our problems easy to solve. Regular expressions were the right tool for grabbing the data we wanted out of the Python interpreter’s error messages, and the programming aspects of the shell were the right tool for automating all we wanted done behind one simple command, which we built. We saw several ways to execute
, and one of them turned out to be an elegant solution to our problem.